















RooFit - RooAddPdf. ? Wir betrachten hier ein Model, indem eine Signalverteilung auf einer Untergrundverteilung liegt. ? Facilitated through operator p.d.f RooAddPdf. + RooAddPdf. Model building - (Re)using standard components. • Most physics models can be composed from 'basic' shapes. RooAddPdf model("model","model",RooArgList(sig,bkg),sigFrac) # Sum the composite signal and background. bkgfrac = ROOT.RooRealVar("bkgfrac", "fraction of background", 0.5, 0., 1.) model = ROOT.RooAddPdf(. Overview. If a p.d.f. is capable of calculating an extended term (i.e. any extended RooAddPdf object, the extended term is automatically included in the likelihood calculation. RooAddPdf. Generated by 1.8.5. 1) Adding PDFs is done by using the RooAddPdf class which constructs the sum. of N PDFs with N RooRealVar g2frac("g2frac","fraction of gauss2",0.1) ; RooAddPdf sum("sum","g1+g2+a",RooArgList RooBMixDecay RooPolynomial RooHistPdf RooArgusBG RooGaussian. + RooAddPdf. RooAddPdf RooResolutionModel. RooProdPdf. Abstract resolution model. ctor(nll_Hgammagamma_sighist) fixing interpretation of coefficients of any RooAddPdf to full domain of In [20]: datamodel = ROOT.RooAddPdf("datamodel","datamodel",ROOT.RooArgList(sigpdf BUILD MODELS WITH BLOCKS. Complex PDFs be can be easily composed using the operator classes: RooAddPdf as addition. RooBMixDecay RooPolynomial RooHistPdf RooArgusBG RooGaussian. + RooAddPdf. RooAddPdf RooResolutionModel. RooProdPdf. Abstract resolution model. RooBMixDecay RooPolynomial RooHistPdf RooArgusBG RooGaussian. + RooAddPdf. RooAddPdf RooResolutionModel. RooProdPdf. Abstract resolution model. RooAddPdf. Model building - (Re)using standard components •. Most physics models can be composed RooAddPdf can add any number of models RooRealVar x("x","x",0,10) ; macros/tut3.C

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